Posted: October 12th, 2006 | Author: Doru Persinaru | Filed under: think out loud | 2 Comments »
De cateva zile, la intersectia Titulescu cu Banu Manta, se lucreaza de zor. Intr-un spatiu de la langa showroomul Casa Auto, mai intai s-a maturat si s-a spalat bine. Apoi au aparut niste mese albe cu un design futurist. Va fi un magazin de decoratiuni?
Nu! – aseara au aparut primele hangere cu ILife, si MacBook Pro.
E de vezitat…
(poze nu am pentru ca Nokia 7610 nu stie sa faca poze noaptea, iar Club Nokia nu misca inca nimic cu acel N73)
Posted: October 12th, 2006 | Author: Doru Persinaru | Filed under: think out loud | No Comments »
De la Russell Davies.
Preferatele mele:
- Seth Godin will be publishing books on an hourly basis.
- The IPA Effective Awards committee will finally admit that they can’t prove whether advertising works and attempt to prove something simpler.
- Planners will be banned from blogging as the amount of content they generate exceeds the world’s storage capacity.
Posted: October 8th, 2006 | Author: Doru Persinaru | Filed under: think out loud | No Comments »
Un articol foarte bun despre transformarea comunicarii online si implicatiile sociale si relationale.